As with designer clothes or expensive cars, a high-quality perfume or cologne can also aid in sending a message of wealth and importance to others. Some timeless scents known to be classic yet costly, and can signal to others an air of prestige.
• Different scents evoke different memories, and this can be an important part of human behavior. A lot of us breathe happily when we smell something that reminds us of a beloved relative, friend, or spouse. When someone wears a perfume frequently, their friends and family begin to associate that scent with their loved one.
• Believe it or not, our scent has a lot to do with how people react to us, and it can also play a role in determining whether or not potential mates are attracted to us. Recent scientific research has determined that all mammals (especially females) base a large part of their decision in choosing a mate on scent.
• Besides the fact that our scent can aid us in attracting potential mates and being well-liked by others, perfume and cologne are ultimately just very enjoyable! It is nice to have fun with your fragrance, and keep experimenting until you find a scent that is perfectly suited to your personality and lifestyle.
“24 Hour Freshness “
PAMOSA brings Pamovia Deodorant with:
• There is nothing more irritating than stinking body odour that hits hard and leaves people around gagging.
• This is where the importance of deodorants arises as these can really help you in smelling good.
• Deodorants have become more of a necessity for all.
• These not only help you get rid of the bad odour that your body may cause when you perspire but deodorants can also kill bacteria caused by your body odour.
Use Instructions: