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PAMOSA Dantaraja Neem Tooth Powder is complete herbal & perfect dental care program. The pure extracts of 20 herbs and barks, tested over generations, have been blended into a potent combination that not only cleans teeth, but also protects and strengthens them

 Sparking Teeth With Healthy Gums


  • Dantaraja Neem Tooth Powder is used in hardening of gums and teeth, cleansing and healing of wounds, toothcaries and inflammation of gums.
  • It is also used on tooth aches and in the treatment of disorders of gums and teeth-like decay, pyorrhoea,swollen gums, bleeding gums, and other periodontal disorders.


Neem can

  • prevent and heal gum disease,
  • prevent cavities,
  • eliminate bacteria that cause cavities and inflammation of the gums,
  • prevent bacteria from adhering to your teeth (reduce plaque),
  • enhance mouth immunity in general,
  • and through all this freshen the breath.

Neem bark and leaf extract is most effectively used in preventing cavities and gumdisease. Mouthwash containing Neem is a remedy for tooth decay, oral infections, prevents bleeding and sore gums.


Cloves: Historically, treatments called for inserting the clove into an infectedtooth or cavity. They contain an active ingredient that numbs the skin it touches, which may provide temporary relief from the toothache. Today, instead of grinding cloves, we use clove oil. Clove truly delivers a mouthful of dental benefits– here are a few more impressive attributes:

  • Reduces gum swelling and irritation thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties 
  • Stimulates circulation, due to its “hot” nature, enhancing gum tissue health
  • Helps remineralize teeth due to the protective properties of eugenol against acids (that can erode dentin), according to a 2012 research study conducted by the Indian government

Clove is most commonly applied directly to the gums for toothache, pain control during dental work, and other dental-related issues. But there is limited scientific research to support these and other uses.

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