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IT'S YOUR BODY - protein plays a leading role in your body's growth and maintenance. Because your body does not
store excess protein, a daily intake is necessary to ensure that your body get all that it needs .
NUTRIFINE protein powder provides a natural, fat-free protein with the added benefits of naturally- occurring 
soya isoflavones, calcium and iron.

COMPLETE PROTEIN - NUTRIFINE protein powder has 32% protein content and it contains a balanced supply of nine 
essential amino acids.

THE EXCELLENT CHOICE - Diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol that include 25gm of Soya protein isolate per day
may help to maintain a healthy heart.
Many nutritionists have been recommending that Indians cut back on those traditional protein sources that have high 
levels of fat and cholesterol, such as red meat, cheese, eggs and whole milk. 

NUTRIFINE protein powder is a healthy choice, as one serving, provides 3.2gm of soya protein (3gm total protein).

Stay Healthy Stay Happy



NUTRIFINE (Protein) Contains: 


  • Protein is necessary for the building and repair of body tissues.
  • It produces enzymes, hormones, and other substances the body uses.
  • It regulates body processes, such as water balancing, transporting nutrients,and making muscles contract.
  • Protein keeps the body healthy by resisting diseases that are common to malnourished people.
  • Prevents one from becoming easily fatigued by producing stamina and energy.

Protein is a nutrient that the body needs to grow and maintain itself. Next to water, protein is the most 
plentiful substance in our bodies. Just about everyone knows that muscles are made of protein. Actually,every
single cell in the body has some protein. In addition, other important parts of the body like hair, skin, eyes,
and body organs are all made from protein

Protein is found in muscles, bone, haemoglobin, myoglobin, hormones, antibodies,and enzymes, and makes up
about 45% of the human body.Muscle is approximately 70% water and only about 20% protein. Therefore, increasing
muscle mass requires extra water, extra energy in the form of carbohydrates (to maintain the needs of that extra muscle), and a little extra protein.Many substances that control body functions, such as enzymes and hormones, also are made from 
protein. Other important functions of protein include forming blood cells and making antibodies to protect us from illness 
and infections.Proteins are made from simpler substances called amino acids. There are 20 amino acids in the protein that 
we eat every day. The body takes these amino acids and links them together in very long strings. This is how the body
makes all of the different proteins it needs to function properly. Nine of the amino acids are called essential because
bodies cannot make them. These essential amino acids must come from the foods we eat.


one basic role of carbohydrates in the human diet: to supply energy. It should always be kept in mind that 
carbohydratesor calories alone cannot adequately supply our energy needs, for we must have our carbohydrates in 
combination with other needs, such as proteins, water, vitamins, minerals, fats, etc

1 Carbohydrates Supply Energy: 
The body uses carbohydrates directly from the monosaccharide glucose. Glucose is in the blood and extracellular
fluids and can be made from glycogen. Glycogen is stored in the liver and muscles and in smaller amounts in the 
other organs and tissues of the body. Energy is derived from glucose by the splitting of the glucose molecules 
into smaller compounds and oxidizing these to form water, which frees quite a large amount of energy.
When carbohydrates needed for the functioning of the central nervous system, the muscles and the other body 
systems and functions are insufficient in the diet (as during a fast or on a weight-loss diet), stored adipose 
tissue (fat) is broken down into glucose to make up the caloric deficit.Some amino acids, instead of being used to
make proteins, are deaminated and used as carbohydrates to supply energy.The formation of glucose from amino acids
is called gluconeogenesis. 
This phenomenon enables one to maintain normal blood sugar levels during a fast.Practically the entire fat store
of the body can be used up without detriment to health. Because of this fact, and the fact that the body can also
create carbohydrates from amino acids,fasting is a very safe practice from the standpoint of maintenance of normal
blood sugar levels, of normal neurological functioning and of meeting all the body's various energy needs.

2 Carbohydrates Provide Fuel for the Central Nervous System: 
Nerve cells are very dependent upon glucose for their functioning. According to physiology texts, the glycogen in 
nervous tissues remains constant and is not mobilized for conversion to glucose. When insufficient carbohydrates are 
consumed to meet the energy needs of the central nervous system, besides the occurrence of gluconeogenesis, another
phenomenon occurs during a fast of three weeks or more: The cells of the central nervous system adapt their metabolic
apparatus to use ketone bodies in place of glucose. (Ketone bodies are substances synthesized by the liver as a step
in the metabolism of fats.)The nerve cells obtain their needed functional energy from these metabolites.

3 Carbohydrates Provide Fuel for the Muscular System: 
The muscles use the glycogen present in the muscle cells and glucose in the bloodstream. However, glycogen from the
muscles is more efficiently used than glucose because the breakdown of glycogen for use does not require energy input
at the time, whereas a certain amount of energy is used to bring the blood sugar into the metabolic system of the muscles.
(It does require energy to build up the glycogen supply in the first place, but this happens during periods of rest 
when plenty of energy is available.)
The body works much more efficiently from carbohydrate intake than from broken-down body protein and fats because 
protein and fat molecules, when used as fuel, yield less than their total caloric value in the form the muscles can use.
The remaining portion is used for the conversion of these molecules into suitable fuel. This conversion takes place
in the liver and adipose tissue, which supply the body's organs with fuel via the bloodstream. 

4 Carbohydrates Supposedly Spare Proteins: 
Function of carbohydrate in the body as "its protein-sparing action." However, it is incorrect to attribute action 
(other than chemical action) to carbohydrates or other inanimate substances. Besides, "sparing protein" is not a 
function or role of carbohydrates at all. Carbohydrates simply furnish our fuel or energy needs—and nothing more.
Proteins consumed will be used for tissue building and maintenance rather than being used as an emergency source 
of energy as long as the carbohydrate intake is sufficient. This is true, but it is only another way of saying that
carbohydrates are the primary and most efficient source of energy or fuel and that it is best not to try to meet our
fuel needs from proteins. It is stating the true fact that carbohydrates, not proteins, supply our primary nutrient needs.
"Sparing proteins" is not a separate and distinct function or role of carbohydrates any more than preventing scurvy is 
a separate and distinct function of vitamin C in the body. Vitamin C supplies body needs, but its role is not prevention 
of scurvy or of anything else. Viewing nutrients as preventative agents of diseases is another way of saying that diseases
are normal, that they are an inevitable part of life that will and must occur unless prevented by the proper nutrients. 
That is a backwards way of viewing health—it's the disease approach, or the medical approach. Just as good things happen 
to us if we think positive thoughts and visualize success, harmony, etc., good health will exist as long as we live 
healthfully—and that includes consuming the correct amounts of the foods to which we were biologically adapted in nature
to eat.
In short, the so-called "protein-sparing action" of carbohydrates is not only not an action, but sparing proteins is not
a distinct role of carbohydrates separate from their energy-providing role.

5 Carbohydrates Supposedly Supply "Dietary Fiber" : 
"Dietary fiber" is a fairly new term coined to describe the cellulose inside plant cells. Cellulose is known to be 
indigestible by humans, though it is digested and used for energy by herbivores. The claims made about "the beneficial role 
of dietary fiber in preventing diseases" are so popular and so widely made that they are practically accepted as fact. 
However, cellulose, though in fact a carbohydrate because it is utilized as such by herbivores, does not serve the role 
of a carbohydrate in human physiology. Because it cannot be digested and utilized by humans, it cannot provide us with 
energy—and providing energy is the only role of carbohydrates in human nutrition.


Blood and rusty metal are both red in colour for the same reason — the strong attraction between iron and oxygen. 
These two naturally occurring elements — one a heavy metal and the other a gas found in the air — combine together to 
form red coloured compounds. In the human body the combination of these 2 elements is essential for life. 
The main role of iron in the body is in the red blood cells. Here it combines with a protein to form a substance 
called hemoglobin. When we breathe in, oxygen in our lungs is attracted to the iron in haemoglobin and combines with
it to form oxyhaemoglobin. This is transported around the body by the blood cells, and oxygen is released wherever it
is needed to allow the conversion of carbohydrates (sugars) into energy. This is why blood in the arteries is bright red,
whereas blood in the veins (which return blood to the heart and lungs for a further dose of oxygen) is darker in colour.

Functions of Iron in the body: 

  • Main component of haemoglobin, which transports oxygen and carbon dioxide to and from the lungs.
  • Supports the action of many enzymes (especially for energy production)
  • Antioxidant .
  • May have anti-cancer properties .
  • Powerful immune-system booster

Symptoms of Iron deficiency: 

  • Anaemia
  • Tiredness
  • Pale skin
  • Sleep problems
  • Restless legs
  • Impaired mental / intellectual function
  • Learning, growth and behavioural disturbances in children
  • Breathlessness
  • Poor body temperature regulation
  • Frequent infections
  • Some types of deafness


  • Keep away from direct sunlight.
  • Please store in cool and dry area.

Use Instructions:

  • Add one provided scoopful (20gm approx.) in a glass of milk, fruit juice, vegetable juice or other liquid.
  • Sweetness or flavours may be added,if desired. Stir rapidly for 45 seconds or shake vigorously in a covered container 
  • for a special treat add fresh or frozen fruits and mix in a blender.
  • NUTRIFINE protein powder can be added to any food since it is a smooth and natural tasting formulation.
  • NUTRIFINE protein powder in one's daily diet,can be added in preparations such as chapati, paratha, idli,dosa etc.
  • One can even add NUTRIFINE protein powder to foodstuffs like cakes,biscuits etc


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