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If you’ve been following the Body Ecology lifestyle, you already know that detoxification leads to all kinds of benefits, from better health, better moods and more energy to beautiful skin and hair.

After all, toxins are everywhere, from processed foods to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) to common plastics.

How do you know if you need to detoxify? Do you:

If you answered “yes” to any of the above, detoxification may be just the ticket for you to feel healthier and happier!



Detoxification is one of the more widely used treatments and concepts in alternative medicine. It is based on the principle that illnesses can be caused by the accumulation of toxic substances (toxins) in the body. Eliminating existing toxins and avoiding new toxins are essential parts of the healing process. Detoxification utilizes a variety of tests and techniques.


Detoxification or detoxication (detox for short) is the physiological or medicinal removal of toxic substances from a living organism, including the human body, which is mainly carried out by the liver.



12 Benefits of Detoxing the Body

1. Boosts Your Energy

Many detox program followers report feeling more energetic. This would make sense because while you’re detoxing you’re stopping the influx of the things that caused you to need a detox in the first place. By cutting out the sugar, caffeine, trans fat, saturated fat, and replacing them with fresh fruits and vegetables, you’ll be getting a natural energy boost, one that comes without a resultant crash. It’s vital to stay well hydrated while on any detox program, and that can also be a source of increased energy if you typically don’t get enough water throughout the day.

2. Rids the Body of Any Excess Waste

The biggest thing that detoxing helps with is allowing the body to rid itself of any excess waste it’s been storing. Most detox programs are designed to stimulate the body to purge itself, helping the liver do its thing as well as the kidneys and colon. Cleansing the colon is an important part of the detoxing process because those toxins need to exit the body, and a backed up colon can cause them to be reintroduced into the body, rather than exiting as planned. Sticking with fruits and vegetables even after the detox program is completed is a good way to keep things moving.

3. Helps with Weight Loss

It’s easy to see how a detox diet would cause you to lose weight in the short term, but a healthier way to look at it would be to establish long-term eating habits, and rid yourself of unhealthy habits. Many times it is the drastic reduction in calories and rapid weight loss that is focused on, especially in the media. But these short-term results won’t last if you don’t make it a point to replace bad foods with good, and use your newfound energy to exercise more and be more active overall.

4. Stronger Immune System

When you detox the body you free up your organs to function the way they should. This helps to give your immune system a boost since you’ll be able to absorb nutrients better, including Vitamin C.Many detox programs also focus on light exercises which help to circulate lymph fluid through the body and helps it to drain, strengthening your immune system in the process.

5. Improved Skin

Your skin is your largest organ, so it only makes sense that it would show positive results from a detox program. One way to help your detoxing efforts is to take a sauna to help the body sweat out additional toxins. You can expect clearer, smoother skin at the end of your detox plan.

6. Better Breath

Follow a detox program that includes a colon cleanse because those toxins need to be released from the body. It’s been theorized that one contributor to bad breath is a backed up colon. When you are able to clear it out and get your digestive system functioning well again, you may find that your breath improves.

7. Promotes Healthy Changes

It’s hard to change a long-standing habit, and a detox program – no matter how long – is one way to put a wedge between your old ways and your new ones. If you have addictions to sugar, caffeine, fried, or crunchy foods you can use a detox program to help you kill those cravings.

8. Clearer Thinking

A good detox program will pay some attention to your state of mind during the cleanse. The use of meditation is often recommended as a way to get back in touch with your body during this time of purging and cleansing of toxins. Detox followers often say that they lose that sense of fogginess, and are able to think more clearly during a detox than when not on it. It makes sense, since many of the sugar-filled and fat-filled foods that surround us each day will cause us to feel lethargic and can factor heavily in the quality of our thinking.

9. Healthier Hair

By the time you can see your hair, it’s already considered dead, as all of its growth occurs within the hair follicle. This is why it’s important to keep your body functioning at its full potential through a regular detoxing strategy. When your hair is able to grow uninhibited by internal toxins you’ll see and feel the difference in your hair. In many instances hair gets shinier, and feels softer to the touch. Detoxing isn’t enough to stop male pattern baldness, but many report that their hair grows more quickly, a sign of healthier hair.

10. Lighter Feeling

One of the reported benefits of detoxing is a feeling of being lighter. There are several reasons why this would be the case, especially if you’ll be doing a colon cleanse as part of the program. When you stop eating foods that weigh you down, and replace them with fresh organic fruits and vegetables, a lighter feeling is bound to occur. It’s also important not to overeat while detoxing, which will yield a lighter feeling as well, and will give you the energy you’ve been missing.

11. Anti-Aging Benefits

The constant barrage of toxins that the body has to deal with is one contributing factor to the aging process. By reducing the amount of free radical damage done to the body, you’re going to see not only short term benefits, but also long term benefits in an increased longevity. When you finish your detox program, it’s very important not to go right back to the lifestyle that was causing the toxicity. Sticking to a improved diet and getting daily activity are great ways to make sure that you feel good each moment of your life.

12. Improved Sense of Wellbeing

When you detox, you feel good, and when you feel good, good things happen. Detoxing is often used strategically to lose weight or to start a new diet plan, but really there’s no better reason than just to feel better. When you set the stage for wellbeing, you are going to improve all areas of your life, and you should see better relationships, better productivity at work, and a newfound or renewed zest for life.

Basically, detoxification means cleaning the blood. This is done by removing impurities from the blood in the liver, where toxins are processed for elimination. The body also eliminates toxins through the kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymph and skin. However, when this system is compromised, impurities aren't properly filtered and every cell in the body is adversely affected. 


A detox program can help the body's natural cleansing process by:

1. Resting the organs through fasting;
2. Stimulating the liver to drive toxins from the body;
3. Promoting elimination through the intestines, kidneys and skin;
4. Improving circulation of the blood; and
5. Refueling the body with healthy nutrients.


recommends detoxing for symptoms such as:

  • Unexplained fatigue
  • Sluggish elimination
  • Irritated skin
  • Allergies
  • Low-grade infections
  • Puffy eye or bags under the eyes
  • Bloating
  • Menstrual problems
  • Mental confusion



The herbs listed below have been used in herbal remedies for centuries to purify

      blood naturally. Though they are natural they should be respected and taken in the   prescribed   amounts. 

Emblica officinalis (Amala): directly promotes detoxification with its rich antioxidant content.

support the elimination of toxins while nourishing and protecting the body’s natural defence systems


Amla for Detoxification and Healthy Elimination

Amla very directly promotes detoxification with its rich antioxidant content.1 On a systemic level, detoxification begins with healthy agni (digestive fire), not only in the GI tract, but also in all of the tissues, and amla helps to balance agni throughout the body.1 Moreover, the elimination of toxins relies on healthy circulation, digestion, and elimination, and amla supports all three of these functions.1 Amla also has a particular affinity for the blood, the liver, and the spleen, and is therefore able to support the elimination of toxins while nourishing and protecting the body’s natural defense systems.1 Proper elimination is critically important to the detoxification process and amla fosters bowel health and regularity as well.1  A small dose of amla is binding and astringent in its effect while a larger dose very gently encourages elimination.1 Ultimately, amla supports virtually every stage of the detoxification process – from the innate intelligence of agni to the proper elimination of wastes and toxins.


  • Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha): significantly lowers the stress level, anxiety, depression, insomnia.. Promotes in Graceful Aging, menopausal support, sexual potency, memory support and revitalization. ashwagandha  help to gently cleanse the liver and blood, while also acting as nutritive tonics to the bodily tissues


  • Tinospora cardifolia (Gulwel):Gulwel is known to be an effective detoxifying agent. It helps in elimination of harmful substances and toxins from the liver and the kidneys. It flushes out free radicals from the body and makes it pure.

 Supports normal function of the immune system and also white blood cell structure to its functions & levels. Gulwel is highly valued in Ayurveda for its detoxifying, rejuvenating, immune-boosting, and anti-rheumatic properties

The ability of this herb to detoxify the body while simultaneously rejuvenating it makes it a deeply effective herbal medicine for all constitutional .Ayurveda describes Gulwel as being useful in conditions of hepatitis and jaundice due to its ability to detoxify the liver. In a clinical trial, liver toxicity was induced in rats, followed by the administration of an alcohol extract of Gulwel. The extract protected the livers of the rats, showing that Gulwel has clinically significant hepatoprotective properties


  • Gingiber officinalis (Sunth): Stimulates Digestion and Calms the Stomach Detoxifies the Liver, Stomach, and Spleen. It is a useful remedy to treat many common digestive and respiratory ailments. Ginger tea is an excellent remedy for common cold, cough and flu. It has inflammation reducing and pain relieving property due to which it gives relief in joint pain, arthritis, rheumatism and similar condition. It is a handy remedy to treat nausea, vomiting, motion sickness and morning sickness. Ginger stimulates blood circulation and aids in detoxification.
  • Tribulus terrestris (Gokharu): cleanses n detoxify urinary system. Gokshur helps in healthy flow of urine.  It has a cleansing effect on the urinary bladder. Gokshura is very popular in Ayurvedic medicine to cleanse the skin from within.  It rejuvenates and cleanses the organs present inside the lower abdomen
  • Ocymum santum (Tulas): tulsi protects body against toxic chemical by increasing the levels of anti-oxidant molecules . Holy basil is also high in anti-oxidants and helps your body detox. Studies show that holy basil can protect your body against toxic chemicals. It may also prevent cancer by reducing the growth of cancerous cells.
  • Nardostachys jatamansi (Jatamansi): Jatamansi not only increases the power of the brain but also keeps the mental problems away. Jatamansi is rejuvenator of the nervous system of the body.
  • Baccopa monniera (Bramhi): supports normal mental function, intellect, consciousness and spirit. The liver is the body's main detoxifying organ, and studies suggest Brahmi may be useful for encouraging liver function following toxin damage. With the daily onslaught of toxins in our environment and food, it's no wonder so many seek safe, natural compounds that support proper liver function.


  • Glycyrhiza glabra (Yashimadhu): anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that contribute favourably to hepato-protective effects on the body (protecting the liver).
  • Hemidesmus indicus (Anantmul): Because of the antioxidant properties, Anantmool detoxifies the body.

        Anantmool : Because of the antioxidant properties, Anantmool detoxifies the body.

Anantmool acts as an immune modulator and enhances the immunity of the body.


 Andropogan muricatus (Walamul): Provide remarkable external curative properties- a property that speeds up the disappearance of scars and other marks from the skin, and promotes the growth of new tissues in the affected places.

        It’s also reputed to be an anti-inflammatory, anti-septic, tonic.


  • Action of Pamosee Detoxee Liquid :


  • is health that is wealth and not a piece of Gold and Silver “
  • Toxic load & toxic chemicals, both naturally occurring and manmade, often get into the human body.
  • We may inhale them, swallow them in contaminated food or water, or in some cases, absorb them through skin.
  • A woman who is pregnant may pass them to her developing through the placenta.
  • Sometimes it is also useful to consider the toxic load of a specific, single chemical, like for example, lead, mercury, or dioxin.
  • When we detoxify and purify the blood we remove toxins, fungus, bacteria, and viruses from the bloodstream and this supports healthy living.
  • Cleaning the kidneys also helps it to efficiently remove fungus, bacteria, viruses, and toxins.
  • Cleaning the kidneys helps it to efficiently remove waste from the body.
  • When we detoxify and purify the blood we remove toxins, fungus, bacteria, and viruses from the bloodstream and this supports healthy living.
  • We accomplish this by cleaning and strengthening the liver to help it efficientlyscreen the blood and remove fungus, bacteria, viruses, and toxins. Cleaning the kidneys also helps it to efficiently remove waste from the body. Herbs and super-foods are used to clean and strengthen the liver and kidneys so they can purify the body more efficiently.

Offers Immense of Benefits

  • Pamocee Ditoxee liquid provides different vital herbs in optimal concentrationis required to provide complete benefits to restore the liver function parameters, to Check degeneration and promote regeneration of liver cells. Safety: Unlike synthetic molecules those are having untoward effects (e.g. silymarin), Pamocee Ditoxee liquid is completely safe.
  • Pamocee Ditoxee liquid is providing better components, in more synergistic form so as to provide the optimal benefits of the herbs. It is proved that the action of herb always enhances in presence of the other synergistic herbs.
  • Pamocee Ditoxee liquid helps to restore the liver functioning by providing multidimensional approach by showing anti­viral, anti­oxidant, anti­inflammatory, immuno­modulator, choleratic and anti­cholestatic activity.

Use Pamocee Detoxee Liq:

  • DailyDoses:

           15ml in the Morning

  • 15ml in the Evening




  • WARNING: Not to be used in Pregnant and nursing mothers, Children below 10 years.
  • Adverse effects: No adverse effects are reported. Drug interactions: No drug reaction with allopathic, homeopathic,unani medicines.


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