Antioxidants Superrich Nutritional fruit Juice
Ingredients: -
Sea Buckthorns, Amala, Aloe Vera, Ashwagandha, Blueberry, Goji berry, cranberry, Saw palmetto, mangosteen, pomegranate, Green apple, Grape seed, Green Tea, Noni, kiwi, Multiple Vitamins like - A, B, C, E, B1, B2, B12, Calcium, Iron, folic acid
1. Regulates Digestive system
2. Improve Immunity Power
3. Reduces blood disorders, ulcer, acidity,
allergy problems
4. Women’s Menstrual problems
5. Useful in Kidney & liver health problems
6. Improve detoxification in body
7. Good for Insomnia, indigestion and weakness
8. Improve joint and muscle health
9. Useful in psoriasis, fungal infections & skin allergies
10. Reduce hair fall & Improve Vision
Dose: - 20 ml with 20 ml Luke warm water on empty stomach